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[演講] 2023 Job Talk 9/21-28
IPCS將於2023年9月舉辦3場Job Talk,每場含Q&A長度約50分鐘。
講題:Unearthing the Coexistence of Agrifood Solutions to Malnutrition in the Philippines — Toward a Proposal of Problem-Solution Analytical Framework
講者:江順楠博士 (博士後研究人員,國立臺灣大學社會學系)
As global society rushes to call for more 'solutions' to address grand challenges such as climate change and malnutrition on a global scale, two opposite trends have emerged and persisted. One is development agencies' tendency to catalog various seemingly conflicting solutions. The other is the increased polarization and contention among solutions targeting the same problem. At the core of the issue is how to understand and analyze coexisting solutions to a particular development problem. To address this question, this research studies five coexisting agrifood projects aimed at addressing malnutrition in the Philippines, grappling with the complexity underlying the coexistence of agrifood solutions. How and why do these particular agrifood solutions coexist? And how do these coexisting solutions attempt to address malnutrition collectively? I approach these five solutions from three aspects: the history of problem-solution dynamics, the localization and contextualization of each solution, and the shared infrastructure underlying all the solutions. Together, I propose a "problem-solution analytical framework" that contributes to the current scholarly literature in the social sciences. On one hand, this framework highlights the limits of comparative analysis of solutions based on an individualist methodology. On the other hand, it helps steer critical analysis away from focusing solely on the most contentious technology, urging consideration of its relation to other coexisting solutions.
講題:Making Shrimp Economies and Hydro-Social Lives: the Hatchery, the Shrimp Farm, and the Laboratory
講者:廖昱凱博士 (博士級研究人員,國家科學及技術委員會人文社會科學研究中心)
Due to climate change and salinity intrusion, farmers and companies in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta are shifting from growing rice to breeding shrimp in an effort to adapt to environmental changes and help alleviate poverty. These strategies of adaptation and livelihood, however, also have effects on delta ecologies and economies. This research examines how shrimp economies are formed and how they affect everyday lives in the Mekong Delta under the threat of climate change and shrimp diseases. I propose the notion of hydro-social life to capture the dynamics between the breeding environment and the social changes caused by this transition.
This research argues that shrimp economies are formed by organising hydro-social lives across three sites: (1) shrimp reproduction in the hatchery, (2) shrimp growth on the farm, and (3) scientific research in the laboratory. Methodologically, I conducted 12 months ethnographical fieldwork in Vietnam by following shrimp across these three sites. First, the hatchery breeds broodstocks and larvae in the well-controlled environment to provide farmers and scientists with specific-pathogen-free shrimp for biosecurity improvement. Second, farmers and businesspeople adopt different kinds of farming models and face the risk of an uneven social transition caused by climate change, shrimp diseases, and market fluctuations. Third, scientists and technicians in the lab develop novel biotechnology products, such as vaccines and probiotics, to improve biosecurity practices in the field. These three sites have their own distinctive features but are connected by circulating shrimp, water, scientific knowledge, and biotechnology products. Furthermore, hydro-social lives also reveal the uneven impact of social transition to farmers, workers, and businesspeople.
This research contributes to our understanding of the social transition at the intersection of water, life, climate, and society by bringing together Political Ecology, Water Research, and Science and Technology Studies.
講題:Impact of atmospheric circulation on ecosystem: Squid and Seagrass
講者:曾琬鈴博士 (專案助理教授,台大氣候永續學程)
Evaluating the environmental impact is paramount when aiming to enhanceprediction systems and deepen our understanding of ecosystem interactions. Yet,drawing connections between climate variations and corresponding ecosystemresponses necessitates both consistent, long-term data collection and a comprehensivegrasp of climate variability. To illustrate, we examine two case studies: the Argentineshortfin squid and seagrass. The abundance of the squid in the Atlantic Ocean islargely influenced by vast ocean-atmosphere circulations. On the other hand, seagrassgrowth over South Taiwan is predominantly modulated by decadal variations in theeast Pacific. Our study showcases a methodical approach to linking climate variabilitywith ecosystem results, emphasizing detailed identification and in-depth analysis,while highlighting its significant potential for future predictive applications.