

2021/05/11 [演講] Applications of zooplankton in aquaculture


Applications of zooplankton in aquaculture

潘彥儒 - 助理教授 國立臺灣海洋大學水產養殖學系

May. 14th 12:20-14:00

Global Change Research Center Room G202
直播連結(live stream):

Zooplankton is a group of organisms drifting in water, which plays as an important role as trophic linkage in aquatic food webs. In particular, copepod is the major component of the zooplankton community in many aquatic eco- systems. Based on their nutritional advantages and size suitability, many copepod species are cultivated and used as alternative or supplementary live feeds during fish or crustacean larviculture. Our research objective is to obtain better biological and physiological understandings on various copepod species, and further apply the knowledge to their application in marine larviculture. We investigate the effects of culture conditions on the reproduction, mor- phology, fatty acid profile and egg dormancy of copepods at laboratory scale. Subsequently, the productions of se- lected copepod species are established at pre-industrial scale then used for larviculture of different fish species. The general findings have indicated that the copepods are superior diets for larviculture than the common live feeds such as rotifer and brine shrimp. On the other hand, the artificially-induced copepod resting eggs are successfully pro- duced as supportive live feeds for larviculture suggesting a novel approach of copepod application in the future.